For ggSerialAxes
, use coord_serialaxes
A `ggplot` object
A data frame for serialaxes. If `NULL`, data must be set in `ggObj`
A vector with variable names that defines the axes sequence.
Logical value to indicate whether axes should be shown or not
Logical value to indicate whether axes labels should be shown or not
one of 'variable', 'data', 'observation' or 'none' to specify how the data is scaled. See Details for more information
either "radial" or "parallel"
The display order of the observations.
title of the display
Logical value to indicate whether label (mainly **title**) should be shown or not
Line color
Line width
Logical value to indicate whether guides should be shown or not
Logical value to indicate whether to display lines or area
a ggplot object
if (FALSE) {
# Blank plot
p <- ggplot(data = mtcars, mapping = aes(colour = factor(cyl)))
# Add serial axes (returns a ggplot object)
g <- ggSerialAxes(p)
# An eulerian path of iris variables
# ordSeq <- PairViz::eulerian(4)
ordSeq <- c(1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 4)
ggObj = ggplot(data = iris, mapping = aes(colour = Species)),
axesLabels = colnames(iris)[ordSeq],
layout = "radial"