Canvas bindings are triggered by a mouse/keyboard gesture over the plot as a whole.

l_bind_canvas(widget, event, callback)



widget path as a string or as an object handle


event patterns as defined for Tk canvas widget


callback function is an R function which is called by the Tcl interpreter if the event of interest happens. Note that in loon the callback functions support different optional arguments depending on the binding type, read the details for more information


canvas binding id


Canvas bindings are used to evaluate callbacks at certain X events on the canvas widget (underlying widget for all of loon's plot widgets). Such X events include re-sizing of the canvas and entering the canvas with the mouse.

Bindings, callbacks, and binding substitutions are described in detail in loon's documentation webpage, i.e. run l_help("learn_R_bind")

See also


# binding for when plot is resized if(interactive()){ p <- l_plot(iris[,1:2], color=iris$Species) printSize <- function(p) { size <- l_size(p) cat(paste('Size of widget ', p, ' is: ', size[1], 'x', size[2], ' pixels\n', sep='')) } l_bind_canvas(p, event='<Configure>', function(W) {printSize(W)}) id <- l_bind_canvas_ids(p) id l_bind_canvas_get(p, id) }