
It provides functionality (e.g., serialaxes objects) to visualize high dimensional data via ggplots.

Geoms and Stats

Geoms: a layer combines data, aesthetic mapping, a geom (geometric object), a stat (statistical transformation), and a position adjustment. Stats: layers are more easily specified with a stat_ function, drawing attention to the statistical transformation rather than the visual appearance. The computed variables can be mapped using an after_stat().

Serial Axes Geoms

Each non-aesthetics component defined in the mapping aes() will be treated as an axis.

geom_serialaxes() stat_serialaxes() stat_dotProduct()

Serial axes layer

geom_serialaxes_density() stat_serialaxes_density()

Smoothed density estimates for "widens" data under serial axes coordinate

geom_serialaxes_hist() stat_serialaxes_hist()

Histogram for "widens" data under serial axes coordinate

geom_serialaxes_quantile() stat_serialaxes_quantile()

Quantile layer for serial axes coordinate


Add quantile layers on serial axes coordinate

Glyph Geoms

Provide a variety of glyphs for scatter plot


Add image glyphs on scatter plot


Add polygon glyphs on scatter plot


Add serial axes glyphs on scatter plot

More general histogram and density plot

Provide more general histograms and density plots. Both x and y can be accommodated: x (or y) is a group variable, and y (or x) the target variable to be plotted. If only one of x or y is provided, it will be the target variable (no grouping) and the standard geom_histogram() or geom_density() will be executed.

geom_hist_() geom_histogram_() geom_bar_() stat_hist_() stat_bin_() stat_count_()

More general histogram

geom_density_() stat_density_()

More general smoothed density estimates

Position adjustment

All layers have a position adjustment that resolves overlapping geoms. Override the default by using the position argument to the geom_ or stat_ function.


Don't adjust position

position_dodge_() position_dodge2_()

Dodge overlapping objects side-to-side

position_stack_() position_fill_()

Stack overlapping objects on top of each another


The coordinate system determines how the data is displayed on the plane. Note that, in serial axes coordinate system, neither x or y is required. Each non-aesthetics element defined in the mapping aes() will be treaed as the target of interest.


Serial axes coordinates


Radial axes


Some handy accessories used for visualization.


Layers for serial axes coordinate

andrews() legendre()

Transformation Coefficients

x_star y_star x_cross y_cross x_hexagon y_hexagon x_airplane y_airplane x_maple y_maple

Polygon glyph coordinates

Ggproto objects

The object oriented system that ggmulti uses to extend the ggplot package

StatDensity_ StatHist_ StatBin_ StatCount_ StatSerialaxesDensity StatSerialaxesHist StatSerialaxes StatDotProduct

Base Stat ggproto classes for ggplot2

PositionDodge_ PositionDodge2_ PositionIdentity_ PositionStack_ PositionFill_

Base Position ggproto classes for ggplot2

GeomDensity_ GeomBar_ GeomImageGlyph GeomPolygonGlyph GeomQuantiles GeomSerialaxesDensity GeomSerialAxesGlyph GeomSerialaxesHist GeomSerialaxesQuantile GeomSerialaxes

Base Geom ggproto classes for ggplot2

High dimensional data

Provide a high dimensional data set used for visualization


NBA 30 Teams Statistics in 20-21 Regular Season

Helper functions (deprecated in the future)

Some helper functions


scale data